Sildur’s Vibrant shaders [1.21.4] [1.20.6] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5]

Sildur’s Shaderpack is another addition to your Minecraft that will create a new realistic atmosphere in your game.

More details about shaders in the full version of this article. Shaders will significantly improve the graphics, namely: add shadows, dynamic lighting, grass and tree foliage swaying from the wind; will improve the graphics of water and sky. Perhaps its main distinguishing feature from other shaderpacks is its compatibility with all video cards and operating systems, but it is worth considering that they create a considerable load on the gameplay.

The shaders got their name in honor of the nickname of their developer – Sildur1. When compared with other shaders, we can say that this is an excellent classic shader without unnecessary fancy effects that require modern expensive hardware, the game is pleasant, day, night, during precipitation, there are no extremes or serious bugs, great for everyday play.

The shader has several options for weaker PCs, but I didn’t notice a huge difference between extreme and light in the picture, but the performance increases decently. The shader supports PBR technology, but it is disabled by default, which allows it to be used for textures with PBR (volumetric surfaces).

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): Sildur

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How to install Sildur's Vibrant shaders with Optifine:

  1. Download and install Optifine
  2. Download and put Sildur's Vibrant shaders in shaders folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

How to install Sildur's Vibrant shaders with Iris:

  1. Download and install Fabric
  2. Download and install Iris
  3. Download and put Sildur's Vibrant shaders in shaders folder. That's it!
  4. More info.

Download Sildur's Vibrant shaders mod for Minecraft:

For all versions

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