Pams HarvestCraft [1.12.2]

The Pam’s harvest craft mod will add variety to minecraft with new types of vegetables and fruits, as well as dishes from them.

If you are tired of eating only bread and carrots, you want culinary diversity, this mod is for you. New version of the HarvestCraft 2 mod: On versions 1.14.4 and newer, the mod was called HarvestCraft 2, the author completely redoes the mod from scratch, while dividing the original mod into several small mods, each small mod adds different features, new plants, new fruit trees, just new food, etc. Thus the player can choose what he wants.


Food Core – basic recipes from vanilla resources, more than 120 new crafting dishes.

Crops – a large number of plants and seeds Trees – fruit trees with lots of fruits.

Food Extended – coming soon, adding even more recipes and features

Animal Breeding Changes: With this mod, mobs will change their diet.

Cows, sheep – now do not like wheat, you must use: amaranth, beans, chickpeas, corn, lentils, mustard seeds, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, soybeans.

Pigs – use: arrowroot, artichoke, bell pepper, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cassava, cauliflower, celery, chillipera, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, jicam, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce, onion, cheese, peanuts , peas, radish, rhubarb, turnip, shallot, spinach, sweet potato, taro, tomato, turnip, zucchini. Rabbits – blackberry, blueberry, cactus root, cranberry, elderberry, grape, juniper, kiwi, melon slice, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry, sweet berries.

Chickens – any seeds

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): pamharvestcraft

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Requirements for Forge:

How to install Pams HarvestCraft to Minecraft with Forge:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and throw Pams HarvestCraft and the required mods to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

Download Pam's HarvestCraft mod for Minecraft:

For 1.12.2

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