A very complex Wurst mod for cheats in Minecraft. The list of cheats is below:
CHEATS (129)
AntiKnockback Protects you from being pushed.
AntiSpam Protects you from chat spam.
ArenaBrawl Automatically plays ArenaBrawl on mc.hypixel.net. (work in progress)
AutoAdSign Writes an ad for GriefWurst on every sign.
AutoBuild Builds things up when you place a block. Modes
AutoMine Automatically mines a block if you look at it.
AutoRespawn Automatically revives you whenever you die.
AutoSign Instantly writes any text you want on every sign you place.
AutoSwitch Switches the item in your hand at all times.
AutoWalk Automatically walks all the time.
BuildRandom Builds random shit.
ChestESP Allows you to see chests through walls. Works with piston boxes.
Criticals Changes all your hits to critical.
Derp Makes other players unable to see where you are looking.
Dolphin Automatically swims like a dolphin.
FastBreak Allows you to break blocks faster.
FastEat OM! NOM! NOM!
FastLadder Allows you to climb stairs faster.
FastPlace Allows you to place blocks 5 times faster.
FightBot Automatically fights for you. Goes around and kills everything.
Flight Makes you fly.
Follow Follows the closest object. Very annoying.
ForceOP (a.k.a. AuthMeCracker) Cracks other people’s AuthMe passwords. You can get OP by cracking the admin password.
Freecam Allows you to fly out of your body.
Fullbright Allows you to see in the dark.
Glide Makes you fall as if you were holding a hang glider.
Headless Makes you look like you without a head.
HealthTags Adds players health to their badges.
HighJump Makes you jump six times higher.
/ home Types “/ home” instantly.
InstantBunker Instantly builds a bunker around you (5x5x3 with 57 blocks).
Invisibility (a.k.a. Godmode) Makes you invisible to other players if you die and respawn near them. Only works on vanilla servers.
ItemESP Allows you to see objects through walls.
Jesus Lets walk on water. Jesus used this hack 2,000 years ago.
Jetpack Allows you to jump in the air. It looks like if you had a jetpack.
Killaura Automatically attacks everything in your range.
Liquids Allows you to interact with liquid blocks.
MassTPA Sends a TPA request to all players. Stops if someone accepts.
Miley Cyrus Makes you twerk all the time.
MobESP Allows you to see mobs through walls.
NameTags Changes the scale of name tags so you can always read them.
YesCheat + Forces other mods to bypass or disable NoCheat +.
NoFall Protects you from fall damage.
NoHurtcam Disables the annoying effect when you are in pain.
Nuker Destroys blocks around you. Modes
Only Mobs / Players Makes other mods only for mobs or players.
Overlay Renders a Nuker animation when you mine a block.
Panic Disables all enabled mods.
Phase Uses a bug in NoCheat + that allows you to cycle through blocks.
PlayerESP Allows you to see players through walls.
Protect Keeps track of the nearest object and protects it.
Regen Restores your health 100 times faster.
RemoteView Lets you see the world like someone else.
Search Helps you find specific blocks. Use .search to indicate this.
Sneak Automatically sneaks all the time.
Spider Allows you to climb walls like a spider.
Sprint Makes you sprint as you walk.
Step Allows you to build up full blocks.
Timer Changes the speed of almost everything.
Tracers Draws lines for players around you.
TrueSight Allows you to see invisible objects.
X-Ray Allows you to see ores and caves through walls.
Teams (47)
.addalt Adds a player or all players on the server to your alternate roster.
.annoy Irritates the player by repeating everything he says.
.bind Changes key bindings or lists all key bindings.
.clear Clears the chat completely.
.fastbreak Changes FastBreak settings or toggles it.
.gm The / gamemode types.
.help Shows a list of commands or helps you with a command.
.ip Tells you the IP of the server you are playing on.
.nuker Changes Nuker settings or toggles it.
.rv Toggles or targets the RemoteView to a specific entity.
.say Sends a chat message
.search Changes the search settings or switches it.
.stats Lists some facts about the Wurst client.
.taco Made for WiZARDHAX.
.t Toggles the command.
A lot others
Other Features (10)
- AltManager
- BookHack
- Changes
- Disable Wurst
- ModList
- ServerFinder
- TabGui
- purpose
- Sausage-Bot
- YesCheat +
Default keybindings (15)
B -> FastPlace; FastBreak
C -> Fulbright
G -> Flight
GRAVE -> SpeedNuker
H -> / home
J -> Jesus
K -> MultiAura
LCONTROL -> Navigator
N -> Nuker
R -> Killaura
RSHIFT -> Navigator
U -> Freecam
X -> X-ray
Z -> Sneak
How to install Wurst on Minecraft with Fabric:
- Download and install Fabric
- Download and drop the downloaded Wurst and Fabric API mod into the mods folder. Everything!
- More details.
How to install Using the Windows Wurst Installer (.ZIP)
- Download Wurst. Extract the just downloaded Wurst installer from the ZIP file and run "Wurst Installer.cmd".
- Click the Install button.
- You will receive a message that Wurst has been successfully installed. (Note: Wurst MC 1.12 requires Minecraft 1.12 (not 1.12.2) to be installed.
- Open the Minecraft launcher. (Close and reopen the launcher if it was already open.)
- Select your new Wurst profile from the list and click PLAY!
- Happy READING!
Using the Wurst cross-platform installer (.JAR)
- Download and install Java 8 if you don't already have it. Download Wurst.
- Using Java 8, launch the Wurst installer (.JAR file) you just downloaded.
- Click the Install button.
- You will receive a message that Wurst has been successfully installed. (Note: Wurst MC 1.12 requires Minecraft 1.12 (not 1.12.2) to be installed.)
- Open the Minecraft launcher. (Close and reopen the launcher if it was already open.)
- Select your new Wurst profile and click PLAY!
Download Wurst cheats for Minecraft:
For 1.21.5
- Download Wurst-Client-v7.47.2-MC1.21.5.jar (26.03.25)
For 1.21.4
- Download Wurst 7.46.4 (04.12.24)
For 1.21.3
- Download Wurst 7.46.1 (24.10.24)
For 1.21.2
- Download Wurst 7.46.1 (22.10.24)
For 1.21.1
- Download Wurst 7.44 (09.08.24)
For 1.21
- Download Wurst 7.44 (09.08.24)
For 1.20.6
- Download Wurst 7.41 (01.05.24)
For 1.20.4
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-391.jar (06.12.23)
For 1.20.3
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-390.jar (06.12.23)
For 1.20.2
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-37.jar (22.09.23)
For 1.20.1
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-32.jar (15.06.23)
For 1.19.4
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-32.jar (15.03.23)
For 1.19.3
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-30.jar (09.12.22)
For 1.19.2
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-27.jar (27.07.22)
For 1.19.1
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-27.jar (27.07.22)
For 1.19
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-27.jar (07.06.22)
For 1.18.2
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-21.jar (28.02.22)
For 1.18.1
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-18.jar (16.12.21)
For 1.18 (snapshots)
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-18.jar (16.11.21)
For 1.17.1 / 1.17
- Download Wurst-Client-wurst-7-15-2.jar (03.11.20)
For 1.16.5 / 1.16.4
- Wurst-Client-v7.6.2 MC 1.16.4.jar (03.11.20)
For 1.16.3
- Wurst-Client-v7.5 MC 1.16.3.jar (13.08.20)
For 1.16.2
- Wurst-Client-v7.4 MC 1.16.2.jar (08.13.20)
For 1.16.1
- Wurst-Client-v7.1.2 MC 1.16.1.jar (24.06.20)
For 1.15.2
- Wurst 7.0pre24 - AutoEat, Fun Hacks, Easter Eggs (25.01.20)
- Wurst 7.0pre23 - ExtraElytra, Trajectories, More Commands (23.01.20)
For 1.15.1
For 1.15
For 1.15 (snapshots)
- Wurst 7.0pre7 19w37a - Item Generator, AutoDrop & amp; More (13.09.19)
Wurst 7.0pre6 - FastBreak, Sneak, Snapshot 19w36a (09/05/19)
Wurst-Client-v7.0pre5-MC19w35a.jar (08/29/19)
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre4-MC19w34a.jar (25.08.19)
For 1.14.4
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre13-MC1.14.4.jar (10/26/19)
Wurst 7.0pre12 - AutoTool, Better ChestESP, 19w42a Support (17.10.19)
Wurst 7.0pre11 (11.10.19)
- Wurst 7.0pre10 - X-Ray with OptiFine FIXED (09/27/19)
- Wurst 7.0pre9 - Search Hack, Taco, 19w38b (09/27/19)
- Wurst 7.0pre7 - Item Generator, AutoDrop & amp; More (13.09.19)
- Wurst 7.0pre6 - FastBreak, Sneak MC 1.14.4 (05.09.19)
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre5-MC1.14.4.jar (08/29/19)
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre4-MC1.14.4 (08/23/19)
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre3-MC1.14.4 (15.08.19)
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre2-MC1.14.4 (08/10/19)
- Wurst-Client-v7.0pre1-MC1.14.4 (03.08.19)
For 1.12 (works for 1.12 and 1.12.2 servers)
For 1.11 (works for 1.11 and 1.11.2 servers)
For 1.10 (works for 1.10 and 1.10.2 servers)
For 1.9 (works for 1.9 and 1.9.4 servers)
For 1.8 (works for 1.8 and 1.8.9 servers)
Short link
I like cheese
Hello how do i Get this hack?