Tech Reborn [1.21.1] [1.19.3] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5]

TechReborn is a new global tech mod that adds an incredible amount of things, mechanisms, ores.

Tech Reborn Guides (playlist):

He brings a huge number of innovations and various technical chips, ranging from a simple drill, ending with nuclear mechanisms. The mod is a bit similar to such mods as Industrial Craft and GregTech, but contains all the existing features.

The mod cannot be called revolutionary, the set of machines is approximately the same for all industrial mods, new ores and metals from them, as always, new tools can be made from these metals.

The mod adds a set of handy tools that use the FE energy of the mod, i.e. you develop to make your work easier.

The mod already contains a guide book, but at the moment it does not work, the mod also partially contains the Russian language, although there are few such items.

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): modmuss50, Spearkiller, yulife_curse, drcrazy777, Ourten, Ayutac, Gigabit101, ProspectorDev

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How to install Tech Reborn for Minecraft with Fabric:

  1. Download and install Fabric
  2. Download and put mod Tech Reborn in mods folder. That's it!
  3. More.

Download Tech Reborn mod for Minecraft:

For 1.21.1 (Fabric)

For 1.21 (Fabric)

For 1.20.4 (Fabric)

For 1.20.2 (Fabric)

For 1.19.3 (Fabric)

For 1.19.2 (Fabric)

For 1.19.1 (Fabric)

For 1.19 (Fabric)

For 1.18.2 (Fabric)

For 1.17.1 (Fabric)

For 1.16.5 (Fabric)

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