LibZ [1.21.1] [1.19.4]
Doesn’t do anything by itself. Needed for other mods to work. Sometimes.
In this section, you can find the maximum large number of working mods for Minecraft 1.21 The game in this version became famous improvements to the Ice and Fire update, when new winter and desert mobs were revealed to the world with new packs of new building blocks. Want more cool changes to the game? Just download mods for 1.21 from here, read the most detailed descriptions and dive into the world of new discoveries! __________________
For Minecraft: | 1.21.4 | 1.20.6 | 1.20.4 | 1.19.4 | 1.18.2 | 1.17.1 | 1.16.5 | 1.15.2 | 1.14.4 | 1.13.2 | 1.12.2 __________________ Mods for 1.21 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | QUILT
Doesn’t do anything by itself. Needed for other mods to work. Sometimes.
Works for the same reason as CarpenterCraft. First, frame frames, then “stretch” the texture of the…
ItemPhysic physics for minecraft, physics mod for minecraft The mod adds the physics of things and…
The EMI (Item and Recipe Viewer) mod is an alternative to the well-known JEI and REI…
Forbidden and Arcanus is a unique set of various magical elements that may be useful to…
USA Delight adds compatibility between USA and Farmer’s Delight. Vanilla style.
The author of the modification decided to change the interface for flying on elytra, making it…
Mod for complex multi-block pistons for all occasions. Screenshots (clickable): Developer(s): H3lay
Mod Better Fps – Render Distance is a mod for optimizing and increasing game performance, and…
Adds several features to the mod: baby mobs (Baby Mobs, Creepers, Endermen, Skeletons, Strays, Wither Skeletons),…