Entity Culling [1.21.4] [1.20.6] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5]
Entity Culling Mod – uses ray building technology to find out if you see a certain…
In this section, you can find the maximum large number of working mods for Minecraft 1.21.3 The game in this version became famous improvements to the Ice and Fire update, when new winter and desert mobs were revealed to the world with new packs of new building blocks. Want more cool changes to the game? Just download mods for 1.21.3 from here, read the most detailed descriptions and dive into the world of new discoveries!
For Minecraft: | 1.21.4 | 1.20.6 | 1.20.4 | 1.19.4 | 1.18.2 | 1.17.1 | 1.16.5 | 1.15.2 | 1.14.4 | 1.13.2 | 1.12.2
Mods for 1.21.3 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | QUILT
Entity Culling Mod – uses ray building technology to find out if you see a certain…
Sodium is a new mod aimed at improving the performance of the game, significantly increasing the…
The mod will slightly change the appearance of skins with an additional layer. Now the flat…
Mod FPS Reducer – reduce the number of frames per second in minecraft
The Do a Barrel Roll mod adds rotation physics when flying on elytra, allowing, for example,…
New AFK control mod with full AFK timing/duration/reason handling; and full API support for placeholder formatting….
Blockus mod – many new decorative blocks
OK Zoomer is a small but nice mod that adds smooth screen zooming to the game…
Useful crates and bags that will save you storage and look great.
The WTHIT mod is a remake of the Hwyla mod and adds simple but very useful…