Oritech [1.21.1]
An industrial modification that adds many new mechanisms and tools to Minecraft.
In this section, you can find the maximum large number of working mods for Minecraft 1.21.1 The game in this version became famous improvements to the Ice and Fire update, when new winter and desert mobs were revealed to the world with new packs of new building blocks. Want more cool changes to the game? Just download mods for 1.21.1 from here, read the most detailed descriptions and dive into the world of new discoveries!
For Minecraft: | 1.21.4 | 1.20.6 | 1.20.4 | 1.19.4 | 1.18.2 | 1.17.1 | 1.16.5 | 1.15.2 | 1.14.4 | 1.13.2 | 1.12.2
Mods for 1.21.1 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | QUILT
An industrial modification that adds many new mechanisms and tools to Minecraft.
This mod will add to the game a lot of items and monsters related to the…
A near-hardcore mod that improves and complicates the early stage of the game, increasing the game…
With this mod you can set fire to any block and it will explode like dynamite!
The Twilight’s Flavors & Delight mod is a port and remake of the Twilight Delight mod,…
Mod for Minecraft about cool lamps.
This is a fairly large industrial mod for minecraft, it mainly specializes in machines that perform…
A great cheat that helps automate anything in Minecraft
The Mysterious Mountain Lib mod is a technical mod from developer sz0999312 and is required for…
Minecolonies – an extensive mod for minecraft that allows you to create your own colony –…