Sophisticated Backpacks [1.21.1] [1.19.2] [1.18.2] [1.17.1]

Mod Sophisticated Backpacks – will add beautiful, very useful and functional backpacks to the game that can be worn in inventory or on the back.

Backpacks have different capacities, they can be painted in different colors, they can be placed like a block, and they also have advanced expansion slots that allow you to automate the work with a backpack.

The mod is very interesting, simple, but functional, it adds 4 types of backpack or briefcase, each of which you can paint in any color of the dye.
Backpacks vary in capacity, so the simplest one has 27 slots and 1 upgrade slot, the steel one has 54 slots and 2 upgrade slots, the gold one has 82 slots and 3 upgrade slots, and accordingly the diamond one has 108 slots and 5 upgrade slots.

If you have the Curios API mod installed, then you can put a backpack in the back slot and it will display nicely on the player’s back. Without this mod, you can put a backpack in the armor slot and it will also be displayed on the player, or you can carry backpacks in the inventory, and if you press Shift + RMB, you can put the backpack like a block or chest, including use with funnels .

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): P3pp3rF1y, Ridanisaurus, windanesz

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How to install Sophisticated Backpacks for Minecraft:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and put mod Sophisticated Backpacks to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

Download Sophisticated Backpacks mod for Minecraft:

For 1.21.1 (NeoForge)

For 1.19.2 (Forge)

For 1.18.2 (Forge)

For 1.17.1 (Forge)

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