Phosphor (Forge) [1.15.2] [1.12.2]

The Phosphor Reloaded mod is a ported version of the phosphor optimization mod for Forge.

The mod itself optimizes the most unoptimized component of the game – the lighting engine, along with Phosphor rendering and displaying new chunks, fast movement around the world will require much less resources of your PC.

This is not the first port of the phosphorus forge mod, there is sulfuric, but it does not have files for the current versions of the game. According to the provided graph, the game with the latest version of phosphor spends almost 2 times less time on rendering lighting when generating chunks.

If you are faced with unloaded (drawn) minecraft chunks when flying in the world, then just this mod significantly improves the situation with this problem. On 1.18.1, I clearly noticed that flights around the world where I had never been are accompanied by a long drawing of chunks, even those that are in close proximity to me, this was quite annoying. This mod actually removed this problem altogether.


Developer(s): jellysquid3_

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How to install Phosphor (Forge) for Minecraft:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and put mod Phosphor (Forge) to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

Download Phosphor (Forge) mod for Minecraft:

For 1.12.2 (Forge)

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