Mob Grinding Utils [1.21.1] [1.19.2] [1.18.2] [1.16.5]

Mob Grinding Utils – A great mod that adds mechanisms to easily kill mobs, which is great for mob farms. It also adds some additional mechanisms that make it even easier to get loot from mobs.

In fashion, there are fan blocks that can push mobs away from themselves, even to the side, even to the top. There are blocks that cause damage, others can distribute and transfer things in different directions, that is, you can sort the drop from mobs, as well as increase the experience gained from killing them. You can accumulate this experience in a container and drain it into yourself with a faucet. Conveyor blocks and other cool features, a new sword and maybe something else.

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): vadis365, Flanks255, TheCyberBrick, darkosto

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How to install Mob Grinding Utils for Minecraft:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and put mod Mob Grinding Utils to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

Download Mob Grinding Utils mod for Minecraft:

For 1.21.1 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.1 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.1 (Forge)

For 1.19.2 (Forge)

For 1.18.2 (Forge)

For 1.16.5 (Forge)

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