Easy Villagers [1.21.2] [1.20.6] [1.19.4]

Easy Villagers is a mod for Minecraft 1.18.2/1.17.1 that will help the player to keep the villagers alive.

For this, special glass boxes were added. But this is not all the features that this mod adds. The fact is that it will also be possible to easily create various farms, as well as interact with residents inside the block.

How to put a citizen inside?

1. It is necessary to create a specialized bulletproof glass box.

2. Find the required inhabitant, then take the box in your hand.

3. Hold down the “Shift” key, then click on the villager.

Now you can:

1. Protect a villager by placing him inside the box.

2. The possibility of interaction with a resident will remain, for example, you can easily trade.

3. Several types of boxes, for example, there is a box where you can grow plants.

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): henkelmax

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Requirements for NeoForge:

Requirements for Forge:

How to install Easy Villagers to Minecraft with NeoForge:

  1. Download and install NeoForge
  2. Download and throw Easy Villagers and the required mods to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More.

How to install Easy Villagers to Minecraft with Forge:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and throw Easy Villagers and the required mods to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

Download Easy Villagers mod for Minecraft:

For 1.21.2 (Neoforge)

For 1.21–1.21.1 (NeoForge)

For 1.21 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.6 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.4 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.4 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.3 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.2 (Forge)

For 1.20.1 (Forge)

For 1.20 (Forge)

For 1.19.4 (Forge)

For 1.19.3 (Forge)

For 1.19.2 (Forge)

For 1.19.1 (Forge)

For 1.19 (Forge)

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