Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition [1.17.1]

Mod Dynamic Surroundings – realistic dynamic environment, new weather, sounds, effects The mod will improve the game world and the effects in it, there will be new weather and visual effects, realistic sounds, all this will greatly complement the game, making it more lively and natural. Now in different biomes there will be different weather, rain and snow can be strong or weak, there can be a sandstorm, fog, server glow. Most surfaces have new realistic sounds of movement, walking on stone, grass, sand or snow will have a realistic sound, water pouring from a height will also give a realistic sound, walking through grass and much more. There will be new background sounds, wind noise, birdsong and cries, which makes the environment super realistic and natural. The game will feature new effects, footsteps, frosty breath, jets of steam and splashes of water. And the customization capabilities of the mod will please any author of assemblies; you can customize effects for any game and biomes of their mods.

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): OreCruncher

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Requirements for Fabric:

How to install Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition to Minecraft with Fabric:

  1. Download and install Fabric
  2. Download and drop the Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition mod and the required mods into the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More.

Download Dynamic Surroundings: Fabric Edition mod for Minecraft:

For 1.17.1 (Fabric)

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