Cheat Mode (Creative Inventory in Survival) (Fabric) [1.19.2]

Cheat Mode mod – will add a simple, cheating function to the game, now in survival mode the creative inventory will open and work, where you can take any game blocks.

The mod also allows you to double the walking speed for the player.

It’s not entirely clear who this mod was created for, but if you want to play survival, but use creative resources, you might like this mod.

Also in the inventory you will find a button that turns on 2x speed for the player to walk and run.

The mod also has 2 modes of operation:

You can change the mode by changing the config file \.minecraft\config\cheat_mode-common.toml

open directly – By default, the creative inventory will open normally, on E instead of the normal inventory.
open on button press – creative inventory will open a button in a normal survival inventory.

Warning: Naturally, the mod only works in a single player game, according to users on the server, the game just crashes and the author does not plan to fix it. If you want to receive items on the server (assuming you have give permissions and other privileges, of course), just install JEI and take blocks from there.

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): justAm0dd3r

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How to install Cheat Mode (Creative Inventory in Survival) (Fabric) for Minecraft with Fabric:

  1. Download and install Fabric
  2. Download and put Fabric API and Cheat Mode (Creative Inventory in Survival) (Fabric) in mods folder. That's it!
  3. More.

Download Cheat Mode (Creative Inventory in Survival) (Fabric) mod for Minecraft:

For 1.19.2 (Fabric)

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