ObsidianUI [1.21.3] [1.20.6] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5]
The ObsidianUI mod is a technical library that is used by mod authors to simplify and…
A special section when you are interested in how to download mods for minecraft 1.21 with forge with cars, weapons of all kinds, furniture, robots, decor, backpacks and so on.
Mods for 1.21 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | Quilt
The ObsidianUI mod is a technical library that is used by mod authors to simplify and…
Dynamic Lights will add dynamic lighting to minecraft. To activate the mod, just press the “L”…
The mod will add very cool physics to minecraft – not only are the blocks now…
Mod Dynamic Trees – Biomes O’ Plenty – realistic trees for biome mod about Plenty.
A mod that is needed exclusively for creating web maps for another minimap mod JourneyMap.
Mod AtomicStryker’s Infernal Mobs – will complicate minecraft, the mod will change game mobs, now among…
Mod – Vampirism, will allow you to turn into a vampire, thereby radically changing your life,…
Works for the same reason as CarpenterCraft. First, frame frames, then “stretch” the texture of the…
The Caelus API mod is a technical mod that can also be called a core or…
Macaw’s Fences – Biomes O’ Plenty – Macaw’s Fences is a modification for Minecraft that adds…