TNT Timer [1.21.4]
This tweak displays the remaining time until the dynamite block explodes! A timer will be shown…
A special section when you are interested in how to download mods for minecraft 1.21 with forge with cars, weapons of all kinds, furniture, robots, decor, backpacks and so on.
Mods for 1.21 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | Quilt
This tweak displays the remaining time until the dynamite block explodes! A timer will be shown…
Take a closer look before you take rash actions. The Zume mod will add image zoom…
The libIPN mod is a technical library from the author mirinimi, he uses it to speed…
A port of the Inventory Profiles modification to new versions, like its predecessor, the mod will…
MC Paint will allow you to draw on blocks using an interface similar to the standard…
The Balm mod is a technical mod (library) that is used by some mod authors to…
The modification adds the ability to teleport yourself to various points using special scrolls and pillars…
The Cooking for Blockheads (Hell’s Kitchen) mod will add some kitchen appliances, a working oven, a…
The author of the mod decided to diversify the game world and therefore changed almost all…
Mod for Minecraft about furniture in realistic style