Trash Cans [1.21.4] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.14.4]
The mod will add four types of trash cans to minecraft. You can throw blocks and…
A special section when you are interested in how to download mods for minecraft 1.21 with forge with cars, weapons of all kinds, furniture, robots, decor, backpacks and so on.
Mods for 1.21 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | Quilt
The mod will add four types of trash cans to minecraft. You can throw blocks and…
The SuperMartijn642’s Core Lib mod is a tech library from modder SuperMartijn642, he uses it in…
Global mod that will add many new biomes and blocks. A few more types of food.
O.F.Device (Ore Farming Device) is a modification for Minecraft that allows players to automatically harvest resources.
The First-person Model mod is a realistic mod that will enable the display of the player’s…
This simple mod/datapack will make it much easier to move villagers from place to place using…
Mod Tough as Nails – seasons, cold, thirst and other effects in minecraft.
And another library that works with rather old versions of minecraft (1.12.2), works on forge and…
Are you tired of vanilla cave generation? Would you like to change it? If you had…
The Scalable Cat’s Force mod is a technical library for mods from the author Kotori316, it…