Inventory Profiles Next [1.21.4] [1.20.6] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.14.4]
A port of the Inventory Profiles modification to new versions, like its predecessor, the mod will…
In this section, you can find the maximum large number of working mods for Minecraft 1.20.4 The game in this version became famous improvements to the Ice and Fire update, when new winter and desert mobs were revealed to the world with new packs of new building blocks. Want more cool changes to the game? Just download mods for 1.20.4 from here, read the most detailed descriptions and dive into the world of new discoveries!
Mods for 1.20.4 for: Fabric | Forge | NeoForge | Datapacks | QUILT
A port of the Inventory Profiles modification to new versions, like its predecessor, the mod will…
The WI Zoom mod will add a convenient and very strong magnification effect to your game,…
Client integration for FeatherMorph, which in turn makes it possible to transform into other creatures.
The clientcommands mod adds a variety of new console commands to Minecraft, and their main feature…
The Essential mod adds an in-game messenger to Minecraft, player customization from the Bedrock Edition, and…
The Architectury API mod is a technical library that contains more than 60 different functions and…
The mod will increase the gamma to 1000%. Even at night without a moon with such…
The mod will add a huge variety of decorative blocks to minecraft.
This mod will allow you to see a list of mods that are installed and running…
The Sodium Extra mod is an add-on for sodium that adds the ability to customize the…