Better Fps – Render Distance[Forge] [1.21.1] [1.19.3] [1.18.2]

Mod Better Fps – Render Distance is a mod for optimizing and increasing game performance, and as a result FPS.

The mod is not a continuation of the betterfps cult mod, and also, judging by the description, it implements other functionality to speed up the game. By default, minecraft renders too many extra, hidden objects, such as distant caves, the mod allows you to limit the vertical rendering range, which allows you to reduce the amount of processed data by 10-35%, thereby reducing the load and increasing FPS.

In the graphics settings you will find the HRdistStretch switch, it is he who is responsible for the vertical render distance, if you set the value too high, then when you climb a small hill, you will already see that the world below is gone.

Developer(s): someaddon

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How to install Better Fps - Render Distance[Fabric] for Minecraft with Fabric:

  1. Download and install Fabric
  2. Download and put mod Better Fps - Render Distance[Fabric] in mods folder. That's it!
  3. More.

Download Better Fps - Render Distance[Fabric] mod for Minecraft:

For 1.21.1 (NeoForge)

For 1.21.1 (NeoForge)

For 1.21 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.1 (Forge)

For 1.19.3 (Fabric)

For 1.19.2 (Fabric)

For 1.19.1 (Fabric)

For 1.19 (Fabric)

For 1.18.2 (Fabric)

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