Baritone [1.21.3] [1.20.4] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.16.5] [1.15.2] [1.14.4] [1.13.2] [1.12.2]

A very cool cheat mod about a bot and finding a way to the right place.

Baritone is a pathfinder used in Impact since 4.4. Also in the latest versions it became a separate cheat!


Trailer for a cheat from the developers

This project is an updated version of MineBot, the original version of the bot for Minecraft 1.8.9, rebuilt for 1.12.2 and 1.13.2. Baritone focuses on reliability and especially performance (it is over 30 times faster than MineBot when calculating paths).

Path Features

Trajectory and Long Distance Splicing Baritone calculates trajectories in segments and pre-calculates the next segment when the current one ends so that it keeps moving towards the target.

Baritone Chunk Caching simplifies chunks to a compressed internal 2-bit representation (AIR, SOLID, WATER, AVOID) and stores them in RAM for better routing over very long distances. There is also the option to save these cached chunks to disk.

Breaking Blocks Baritone views breaking blocks as part of its journey. It also takes into account your current toolbox and shortcut bar. For example, if you have an Eff V diamond, it can go through a stone barrier, while if you only have a wooden block, it can go through it faster.

Placing Blocks Baritone considers placing blocks as part of its path. This includes stealthy placement, breaking pillars, etc. It has a configurable block placement penalty (1 second by default) to conserve its resources. The list of valid one-time blocks is also configurable and the default is cobble, dirt, or netherrack.

The fall of Baritone will drop up to 3 blocks on solid ground (configurable if you have Feather Fall and / or you don’t mind taking a little damage). If your hot pad has a bucket of water, it will drop to 23 blocks and place the bucket underneath. It will fall at an unlimited distance into existing standing water.

Vine and Stairs Baritone understands how to climb and descend vineyards and stairs. There is experimental support for more advanced maneuvers, such as moving to a different column of stairs / vines in mid-air (disabled by default, a setting called allowVines). A baritone can interrupt a fall by grabbing a ladder / vine in the air and understands when it is possible and what is not.

Falling Blocks Baritone understands the cost of breaking blocks with falling blocks on top and includes all the costs of breaking them. In addition, since it avoids breaking any blocks in contact with the liquid, it will not break the bottom of the gravel pipe under the lava lake (anymore).

How to Avoid Dangerous Blocks Obviously, he knows not to walk through fire or over magma, not turn over lava (which does some damage), not break any blocks touching the liquid (it might drown), etc.

Parkour sprint jumping over 1, 2, or 3 spaces

Parkour place Sprint by jumping over 3 blocks and placing a block to land while performing the jump. It’s really cool.

Pigs This can sort the pigs. I wouldn’t rely on that.

Path Method

Baritone uses A * with some modifications:

Segmented Calculation Traditional A * calculates until the most promising node is in the target, however, in a Minecraft environment with a limited render distance, we don’t know the environment up to our target.

Baritone has three possible ways to complete the path calculation: find the path to the target, run out of time, or get to the render distance. In the last two scenarios, the selection of the segment to actually be performed refers to the next item (additional cost recovery).

Whenever the path computing thread finds that the best / most promising node is on the edge of the loaded chunks, it increments the counter. If this happens more than 50 times (configurable), the path calculation ends early. This happens at very close render distances. Otherwise, the calculation continues until it times out (also configurable) or until we find a way to the target.

Extra Cost Recovery When the path calculation finishes early, before reaching the target, Baritone must select the segment to run first (assuming it calculates the next segment at the end of that). It uses an overhead rollback to select the best node by changing the metrics and then changing the path to that node. This hasn’t changed since MineBot and I did a review that still applies.

Basically, it keeps track of the best node using various increasing ratios, and then picks the node with the smallest ratio that goes at least 5 blocks.
kov from the starting position.

Minimal improvement in repopulation. Pathfinder ignores alternate routes that provide minimal improvements (less than 0.01 improvement ticks) because the cost of computing re-propagation to all connected nodes is much higher than the resulting half-second travel time improvement.

Reducing the cost of returning when calculating the next segment, Baritone prefers to return to the current segment. The cost is greatly reduced, but still remains positive (this will not lead to its return if it is not necessary). This allows it to splice and jump to the next segment as early as possible if the next segment starts by returning the current one.

Detect and pause backtracking Although the computation of the path occurs in a separate thread, the main game thread has access to the last node considered and the best path at the moment (this is rendering).

Detect and pause backtracking Although the computation of the path occurs in a separate thread, the main game thread has access to the last considered node and the best path at the moment (they are displayed in light blue and blue, respectively). When the current best path (displayed in dark blue) passes through the player’s current position in the current path segment, the path will pause (if safe to do so) because there is no point in continuing forward if we are going to turn around and return the same path. Note that the current best path reported by the path calculation flow takes into account the value added frame of reference, so it matches exactly what the path calculation flow will actually take upon completion.


A path target can be set for any of these parameters:

GoalBlock one specific block within which the player must stand at foot level
GoalXZ X and Z coordinates used for long distance travel
GoalY Y-coordinate level
GoalTwo Blocks the block position at which the player should stand, at foot or eye level.
GoalGetToBlock the block position at which the player should stand next to, below or above
GoalNear the block position that the player should get within a certain radius, used for the following objects
GoalAx is the position of the block on the axis or diagonal axis (therefore x = 0, z = 0 or x = z) and y = 120 (configurable)

And finally, GoalComposite. GoalComposite is a list of other goals, any of which will satisfy the goal. For example, the diamond_ore mine creates a GoalComposite from GoalTwoBlockss for every diamond ore location it knows about.
Future features

Things that don’t exist yet

Sprint, jumping in the hallway 1×2

See questions for more.

Things he may never have, from most likely to least likely = (

Horses (path 2×3 instead of 1×2)

Chat control


The default chat control prefix in Baritone is #. In Impact, you can also use .b as a prefix. (for example press .b instead of #click)

Baritone commands can also be entered in the chat window by default. However, if you make a typo, such as typing “gola 10000 10000” instead of “target”, it will go to the public chat, which is bad, so using # is recommended.

To disable direct chat control (no prefix), disable the chatControl setting. To disable chat control with a # prefix, disable the prefixControl parameter. Impact .b cannot be disabled. Be careful not to leave all management methods disabled (if you do, reset by deleting minecraft / baritone / settings.txt and restarting).

All of these commands may need to be prefixed in front of them, as indicated above ^.

help for (basic) help. You can see what is written here.

To toggle a boolean setting, just say its name in chat (for example, saying allowBreak toggles whether Baritone will consider block splitting). For a numeric parameter, say its name and then the new value (for example, primaryTimeoutMS 250). It is case insensitive. To reset the setting to its default value, let’s reset the ThThawawayItems value. To reset all settings, let’s say a reset. To see all the settings that have changed from default, say changed.

Some common examples:

  • So 1000 then the way to go in the direction you are standing for a thousand blocks
  • target x y z or target x z or target y, then a path to set the target at a specific coordinate, and then a path to it
  • jump to x y z or jump to x z or jump to y to jump to a specific coordinate (one step starts immediately)
  • aim to put a goal on your player’s feet
  • target is clear to clear target
  • cancel or stop to stop everything
  • Go to Portal or Go to ender_chest or Go to block_type to go to a block. (in Impact .goto is in most cases an alias for .b goto)
  • mine diamond_ore to mine diamond ore (turn on the legalMine option to only mine ores that he can actually see. He will explore randomly around y = 11 until he finds them.)
  • click to click a destination on the screen. Right-click a path at the top of a block, left-click a path to it (either at foot or eye level) and left-click and drag to clear all blocks from the area.
  • Follow playerName to follow the player. follow players to follow any players in range (combined with Kill Aura for a fun time).
  • Consistency to follow any entities. Pig of following to follow entities of a certain type.
  • save waypointName to save waypoint. goto waypointName to navigate to it.
  • build to build the schema. build blah will download the schematics / blah.schematic and build it with the original position of your player legs. build Blah X Y Z to set the source. Any of them can be relative to your player (~ 69 ~ -420 will build when x = player x, y = 69, z = player z-420).
  • schematica to build the schematic currently open in schematica
  • tunnel to dig straight ahead and make a tunnel
  • farm for automatic harvest, transplant or bone meal
  • axis to navigate to an axis or diagonal axis at y = 120 (axisHeight is configurable, default 120).
  • explore x z to explore the world from the origin of x, z. Leave x and z as default for the player’s feet. It will constantly move closer to the closest fragment to a source that it has never seen before. explorefilter filter.json with optional inversion can be used to load a list of chunks to load.
    invert to invert the current target and path.
  • This gets as far away from him as possible, not as close as possible. For example, make a target, then invert to run as far away from where you start as possible.
  • version to get the version of Baritone you are using heck Daniel

There are about a hundred settings out there, but here are a few fun / interesting / important settings that you might want to look at changing with normal use of Baritone. Documentation for each can be found at the links above.

renderCachedChunks (and cachedChunksOpacity) & lt; – very fun, but you need a powerful computer
avoidance (avoiding mobs / mob makers)
fall asleep (fill the tunnels behind you)
buildRepeatDistance and buildRepeatDirection

Troubleshooting / Common Problems
Why isn’t Baritone responding to any of my chat commands?

This can be one of many things.

First, make sure it is actually installed. Easy way to check if he created baritone folder in Minecraft folder.

Second, make sure you are using the correct prefix and that chat controls are enabled in the way you expect.

For example, Impact disables direct chat controls. (i.e. anything entered into the chat without a prefix will be ignored and sent publicly). This is a saved setting, so if you run Impact once, ChatControl will be disabled, even in other clients.

So you will need to use the # prefix or edit baritone / settings.txt in your Minecraft folder to undo this (specifically, remove the chatControl false line and then restart your client). Why can I do .goto x z in Impact but nowhere else? Why can I make the path to x z in KAMI but nowhere else?

These are the custom commands they added; it’s not from Baritone. The equivalent you are looking for is target x z, then path.

Installing Baritone on Minecraft +

  1. Download the archive and unpack it using the “Unpack here” option using any archiver or file manager.
    1. Open “Run” (WIN + R)
    2. Enter “% APPDATA%”
    3. Click “OK”
    4. Open the folder “.minecraft”
    5. Drag + drop the “version-Baritone” folder to “version”
    6. Start Minecraft
    7. Create a new profile using version “version-number
    ui-Baritone “.
    8. Run the profile and you’re done!

Installing Baritone on Minecraft 1.15.2 and more latest version option with Fabric:

  1. Download and install Fabric
  2. Download, unzip the file and find Baritone X.X.X there (where X.X.X is the version number) and drop the downloaded Baritone mod into the mods folder. Everyone!
  3. Learn more.

Installing Baritone on Minecraft 1.15.2 and more latest version variant with Forge:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and drop the Baritone mod, MIXIN into the mods folder. Everyone!
  3. Learn more.

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Download Baritone cheats for Minecraft:

For 1.21.3 (Fabric)

For 1.21.3 (Forge)

For 1.20.4 (Fabric)

For 1.20.4 (Forge)

For 1.20.4 (NeoForge)

For 1.20.2 (Fabric)

For 1.20.1 (Fabric)

For 1.20.1 (Forge)

For 1.19.4 (Forge)

For 1.19.4 (Fabric)

For 1.19.3 (Fabric)

For 1.19.2 (Forge)

For 1.19.2 (Fabric)

For 1.19.1 (Forge)

For 1.19.1 (Fabric)

For 1.18.2 (Forge)

For 1.18.2 (Fabric)

For 1.18.1 (Forge)

For 1.18.1 / 1.18 (Fabric)

For 1.16.5 (Forge)

For 1.16.5 (Fabric)

For 1.15.2 (Fabric)

For 1.15.2 (Forge)

For 1.14.4

For 1.13.2

For 1.12.2

Short link

Readers Comments (27)

  1. where download button!?

  2. where 1.19 baritone?

  3. Works like a charm on a forge 1.19.2 client playing on a forge server

  4. I am having the same problem as literally everyone else
    please fix it

  5. 1.19.2 Baritone is actually for 1.19.1

  6. Hello why isnt the baritone 1.19.2 working for 1.19.2? it says in the error that the mod is actually 1.19.1

  7. Haven’t a mod for goin to a coordinates flying?

  8. hello why not 1.17.1 baritone

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