Avaritia:Reforged [1.19] [1.18.2]

Avaritia – this mod adds very cool things to the game, but to create them you need a huge amount of resources, super weapons and armor, that’s what it’s worth to get resources for.

In stock form, the mod is not very large, now several types of super weapons and super armor will be available to you. Weapons and tools cannot break, have huge power, and armor can absorb ALL damage, protect against hunger, and also allows you to fly very fast. In fact, these are the things of God, or cheat items, but it will be very, very expensive to craft them, for this the mod adds its own machines and workbenches, create singularities, special materials, in the end you will get super things.

Screenshots (clickable):

Developer(s): cnlimiter

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How to install Avaritia:Reforged for Minecraft:

  1. Download and install Forge
  2. Download and put mod Avaritia:Reforged to the mods folder. That's it!
  3. More info.

Download Avaritia:Reforged mod for Minecraft:

For 1.19 (Forge)

For 1.18.2 (forge)

Short link

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